Tag: The Boys
HNT Out Takes
So every week in December Osbasso has holiday “themes” for the HNT’s. (To see what they are, click on the links at the top of his sidebar.) I’ve been having loads of fun with Ad and W coming up with concepts and trying to make those concepts work. Some work…
Mad at Adam, or, How I'm Not Perfect
“I’m not an expert,” Samantha says, over on Not Your Mother’s Playground. An excellent post, and an idea that I’ll probably explore further over on A Poly Life at some point in the future, but here, now, I want to illustrate the point much more graphically. I’m not an expert,…
The Whipping Girl
I have a confession: I don’t love the singletail, at least in W’s hand. There are implements I do love, even ones that hurt, that even as I am hurting I am getting something from them, something that when he stops using them makes me disappointed for that half-second: “No…
Birthday Pretzel
New post over on APL: I love you. And you, and you, and you… I started that post over here originally, wanting to share the sexy fun I had Thursday as first W, then A, turned me into a pretzel. But then I ended up thinking too much and it…
I came down from W’s bedroom yesterday morning, yawning and sleepy after a restless, but satisfying, night in his bed shackled and, for most of the night, in four-and-a-half-inch heels. It was sexy, and in that odd way, comforting, to be in my shackles all night, to feel their weight…
Halloween Treats
If the first half of my Halloween weekend was mostly tricks–canes and spankings and rope–the second half of Halloween was all about Treats. With a few tricks thrown in for good measure, of course–he wouldn’t be The Mean Guy without tricks, now would he? First, a treat for you: pics…
Tricks & Treats
Confession time: sometimes, I can’t remember everything that happens. I mean, I remember things in broad outline, but the details…get a little fuzzy. Take Halloween, for example. It was an AMAZING day and night and day…but…I really can’t remember the details. You know, the order of things. Where they all…