Wanton Wednesday – Bathtime

I’d have to say that one of my favorite non-kinky sensual activities is to be given a bath. I love the purely physical sensations of being washed, the warm water and his wet hands, having my face and hair washed, the slide of his hands over my soapy skin.

I also love the non-physical sensations: the feeling of being taken care of, cared for, in the way that being bathed, washed and dried, makes me feel.

Of course, with a bit of rope, anything can be co-opted into a kinky activity, though. Click thru to find out how. 😉

(This week’s post inspired by SlipperyWhnWhet‘s WW of last week!)

Do you feel like sometimes you want to be a little more than just half naked? A bit more than just slightly suggestive? For the weeks you want to play with the wicked & wanton crowd, feel free to join us on Wednesdays!

And if you haven’t already done so, check out last week’s players!

Hot Hard Cock
Curvaceous Dee
Dangerous Lilly
Matt & Brenda
Nadia West
Two Sexy Tigers
Coy Pink

15 thoughts on “Wanton Wednesday – Bathtime

  1. I have to say I love the click through!! Something nice and kinky about getting bath with your hands tied behind you. After a nice wash you can get a little extra naughty 😉
    Like you I find it very sensual when Jess gives me a bath or even when I wash her. It’s so relaxing!! Kara XOXO

  2. I am honored. *blushes*
    I do like your version as well. I will send Sir the link to this page. Hmmm… imagine the possibilities a creative Sadist could come up with to torture a poor innocent girl in a tub…
    (Please excuse me while I go play with myself…) 😉

  3. Water bondage!!!! holey moley.. i think i just added something to my to-do list 🙂

  4. I love bathing with someone and being washed by them….the feeling, as you describe, of being taken care of is wonderful. Such a sexy click through too. 🙂

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